Archive 2019

20.12.2019 Residents welcome the new speed warning sign on Magazine Road close to the St. Clares Avenue intersection.

14.10.2019 Residents welcome resurfacing of Highfield Avenue footpaths by Cork City Council.

04.10.2019 The Resident’s Association would like to thank those landlords in the area who repainted their houses recently after being contacted by the Resident’s Association. Its in all of our interest to keep the area as attractive as possible.

09.08.2019 UCC to warn students on their behaviour, Cork Independent

18.07.2019 New Cork City Council Waste Bye-Laws 2019

18.06.2019 City set for spike in student housing, Evening Echo

16.06.2019 Rent a Room Tax Relief scheme

13.06.2019 College party clampdown ramps up, Cork Independent

13.06.2019 Read the minutes of the RA meeting held on 4th June 2019.

13.06.2019 The Residents Association would like to thank Anne Doherty, CEO of Cork City Council, for meeting with us to discuss our concerns. Read the Minutes of Meeting with Cork City Council.

06.06.2019 Lord Mayor’s reception for marathon volunteers – Tue 11th June 7pm, the Atrium of the Civic Offices, City Hall.

03.06.2019 Cork City Marathon. Residents come out in support of the runners. Thanks to all who made it a great occasion, the athletes really appreciated the support. Thanks also to all who provided the provisions, including City Council. Special thanks to Catherine, Mai and Rose for starting this unofficial, community-led refreshment station. See the photos.

29.05.2019 Council staff to track Airbnb ads to block breaches of new rules, Irish Independent

21.05.2019 Planning granted for €100 million redevelopment of shopping centre.

10.05.2019 Wildflowers on a house wall at the bottom of Magazine Road.

08.05.2019 Read the latest Minutes.

07.05.2019 Map of the street from 1835 (click to enlarge) or see the original on GeoHive at the OSI.

04.05.2019 Community Get-together – the Big Hello! – Thanks to everyone for coming out for a great time.

02.05.2019 An Bord Pleanala grants full planning permission for multi-story student accommodation complex, comprising 419 bed spaces, overlooking the Lough. Read the decision: An Bord Pleanala – O’Riordan’s Joinery

25.04.2019 Progress Resident welcome the new footpath on magazine road by Cork City Council
The condition of the path has been a concern to residents in the area for many years.

20.04.2019 Not all transient populations (click to enlarge) are unwelcome. Spotted in Catherine’s garden over the Easter Weekend.

14.04.2019 The Painting Grant Scheme is now open for applications for properties in Barrack Street and Bandon Road. The maximum grant is €1,250 per building and the scheme is open to residential and commercial property owners. Successful applicants will receive 50% of the costs of qualifying improvement works (i.e. painting, joinery, and minor external repairs to render, gutters, downpipes, etc.). Closing date for applications is April 30th, 16:00pm.


The resident’s association had a very successful Spring Clean event. Thanks to all who participated. Have a look at the photos.

02.04.2019 Read the minutes from the latest meeting.

28.03.2019 Slow progress. New road signs on Coolgarten Park

27.03.2019 Magazine Road Residents Association applies for membership of the Cork City Public Participation Network, an umbrella group of community organisations where information, issues, etc are shared between groups.

26.03.2019 Calls to make College Road one way, Echo Live

21.03.2019 A local resident took this photo of the Lough on Tuesday night.

21.03.2019 RagWeek update. For the most part, RagWeek passed quietly and is considered by most residents to be the best (ie. quietest) for years, with a few exceptions. The Residents Association welcomes this progress and attributes it directly to the combined efforts of the statutory bodies such as the Gardai for their policing during the week, Cork City Council for the daily cleanup in the area, UCC Campus Watch and UCC students union for their support of residents, and the pro-active involvement of local residents themselves, supporting each other (facilitated by WhatsApp). We thank all parties involved and also the vast majority of students in the area who behave with consideration for their neighbours.

The combined action of all involved has resulted in general elimination of anti-social behaviour in the area, with only one or two remaining problem houses.  With progress on the anti-social behaviour front, littering, and ongoing consultation with Cork City Council on parking and traffic issues, the resident’s association hopes that Magazine Road and surrounding areas can hold onto their existing permanent residents and attract new permanent residents. It has, after all, the nicest houses, and is the best located residential area in the city!

21.03.2019 A serious incident occurred at No. 3 Ardcullen, opposite the entrance to Highfield West, aided and abetted by the two neighbouring houses during RagWeek. Multiple complaints were made by neighbours, the Gardai were in attendance, and Gary Mulcahy of UCC Campus Watch came on the night. The landlord was also notified and has promised that there will never be trouble again in the house. A student was brought before the disciplinary committee of UCC and a sizeable fine was issued. The resident’s association welcomes the action of UCC on this incident.

21.03.2019 The AGM was held at the last association meeting and the committee were elected as follows: Catherine Clancy – Chairperson, Aidan Cahill – Secretary, Phyllis Higgins – Treasurer.

21.03.2019 Students better behaved, Cork Independent

20.03.2019 Updates on vacant properties, courtesy of Cllr. Thomas Moloney: The sale of the blue corner house on Dorgan’s Road has completed and work has just commenced. Monaville sold in July 2018 but conveyancing ongoing with the legal department of Cork City Council.

06.03.2019 The architectural revival transforming Cork’s landscape, Irish Times

28.02.2019 On Monday 4th March, Cork City Council are doing a targeted Road Sweeping of Magazine Road from the Dorgan’s Road/Highfield Avenue intersection down to St. Clares Avenue intersection and request that parked cars be removed from that section of the road between the hours of  9 and 11am.

27.02.2019 Residents Association make a Submission to An Bord Pleanala for the proposed development of student accommodation on the Riordan’s Joinery Site.

25.02.2019 Developers in Cork seek to increase new residential and student accomodation schemes, Irish Examiner

10.02.2019 RagWeek Trouble? Important phone numbers and details on the UCC Student’s Union Student Community Service Flyer

09.02.2019 President M D Higgins unveils Plaque to General Florence O Leary with Lord Mayor Cllr Mick Finn in Barrack Street. Plaque to honour Cork-born hero of south America, Irish Examiner

06.02.2019 In attendance at the monthly resident’s association meeting last Monday were the following: Cllr Thomas Moloney, Cllr Henry Cremin, Gary Mulcahy UCC Campus Watch, Alan Hayes and Kelly Coyle from UCC Students Union, Martha Halbert and Sandra O Meara from Community Enterprise Cork City Council, Brenda Barry from the Cork City Partnership Friendly Call service, and Garda Brian White. Read the minutes of the meeting.

05.02.2019 Resident’s Association does house-to-house mail drop of a Rubbish Clamp Down Flyer in the locality alerting occupiers of the new litter enforcement laws.

23.01.2019 Residents are reminded that UCC Campus Watch will now accept complaint forms about littering by student houses as this is also anti-social behaviour that is upsetting to neighbours.  This includes overflowing bins, bins that are remain uncollected because they are filled with the wrong rubbish, and litter thrown around in front gardens.

21.01.2019 Read Crackdown in overloaded bins in today’s Evening Echo

20.01.2019 The first of what will hopefully be many traffic calming measures on Magazine Road.

18.01.2019 Many thanks to students from the Environmental Society in UCC who did a clean-up and litter pick in the streets around the college this morning. The residents greatly appreciate any assistance, especially from students.

14.01.2019 At the last resident’s association meeting, residents were alarmed to hear that the UCC Student’s Union were supporting a drinking event in the Rock bar to celebrate the return to college after Christmas. Because of the trouble that inevitably results from student drinking sessions, (Fresher’s Week, Rag Week, unofficial Christmas Day etc) the resident’s association were against the event. The President of  UCC and Campus Watch were also not happy with  the event being supported by the students union. After much negotiation, the student’s union agreed not to support the event and emphasised that they planned a week long of wellness-centered activities for the students. Read the correspondence  part 1 and part 2 and part 3.

11.01.2019 A damning report (Two in three Irish college students are drinking hazardous amounts of alcohol every week, highlights the excessive drinking by UCC students. The CLAN surveys on alcohol usage by students, although now dated, show that male students spent more money on alcohol than they do on food on a monthly basis and that 76 out of every 100 drinking sessions result in binge-drinking sessions, defined as drinking more than four pints or a bottle of wine in one go.

11.01.2019 RA delighted to report that Cork CoCo have increased staffing of street cleaners and the area now has a street cleaner on a weekly basis.

10.01.2019 Read the minutes from the latest Meeting.

10.01.2019 One-third of students are experiencing serious financial difficulties,

15.12.2018 Cork Safety Alerts reports that a sink hole has opened up on College Road.


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