Magazine Road and the adjoining streets are in the parish of Glasheen, one of the most historic parts of Cork. It is located between UCC to the north, Togher and the Lough to the south, Wilton to the west and the city to the east. The area is in close proximity to University College Cork, the Bon Secours hospital, Cork University Hospital, the bird sanctuary at the Lough and the Mardyke recreational park. Schools in the vicinity are the Glasheen Boys National School, Glasheen Girls National School and the Presentation Boys Secondary School, and many other amenities.
The Resident’s Association was set up in April 2017 to represent the residents of the area around UCC, in particular to affirm pride of place for residents and all invested in this area. The resident’s association is open to all residents in the area and meets monthly at No. 110 Horgan’s Buildings.
The Residents Association believes that the current legislation on the management and upkeep of rented properties is minimal, outdated and in urgent need of change to make it relevant to 2020. We believe that planning regulations need changing. If a residential property (even in part) is converted for example to a hairdressing salon or small cafe it requires planning approval. When you convert a residential property to multi occupancy (HMO) it becomes a business and generates huge income for the owners/landlords and so should be subject to the same planning regulations.
10.9.2024 The resident’s association is back after the summer break. Read the September minutes of the monthly meeting.
22.06.24 Family Day was a lovely occasion, thanks to the new Lord Mayor who specifically asked to attend, to Garda Laura who managed to make it despite other demands , thanks to our sponsors Sicilian Delights and Flannerys for supplying lovely tasty food, tea & coffee, big thanks also to John Warren who organised tables & seating and transported all the food and beverages from Flannerys.
2.06.2024 The residents set up a water station for the Cork City Marathon 2024 as usual this year and had a brilliant time in brilliant weather. The appreciation of the runners was gratefully received, as they got water to drink and water thrown at them, and fruit and sweets sponsored by local businesses.
12.05.2024 Greening up the area – the residents were thrilled to be offered the opportunity to plant up a new flower bed provided by the council at the junction of Magazine Road and College Road. We’ve planted plants to delight the bees and the passers-by, roses, lavender, poppies, daphne, scabious, thyme, hebe, campanulas, and more.
12.05.2024 Read the May RA meeting minutes.
18.04.2024 This month saw another very successful Spring Clean. With over 25 residents participating, it shows the great community spirit in our area. As everyone came back for a cuppa and a chat afterwards, they were treated to delicious home baking from Barbara. and also some Sicilian Delights.
18.04.2024 Read the March and April meeting minutes
16.02.2024 Read the February meeting minutes
8.11.2023 Read the November meeting minutes
30.10.2023 Residents plant up the new beds in Coolgarten Park
8.10.2023 Read the October meeting minutes
13.09.2023 Read the minutes of the first RA meeting after the summer.
12.06.2023 Read the minutes from the June RA meeting
15.05.2023 Read the minutes from the May RA meeting
11.04.2023 Read the minutes from the April RA meeting
16.03.2023 New crackdown on rogue landlords after UCC area problems, Irish Examiner 15.03.23
16.03.2023 RTB accused of failing to take any action on unregistered Cork city landlords, Cork Beo
15.03.2023 Residents association letter to the RTB.
15.03.2023 Read the Press Release issued by resident’s association regarding non-compliance of landlords to the statutory RTB requirements.
15.03.2023 Read the minutes from the March RA meeting.
20.02.2023 Read the minutes from the February RA meeting. The next meeting is on Tuesday March 7th at 19:30.
30.11.2022 Fruit! Two happy fat pears on one of the trees planted by residents in School Path last year, in memory of those lost to Covid.
25.11.2022 Many thanks to UCC for the very successful and pleasant Christmas party they organised for residents in the Student Centre on 23.11.2022. Special thanks to Rose W. for organising the raffle and prizes, and Catherine and Aidan, as always, for everything else.
18.11.2022 Read the minutes of the November RA meeting.
15.11.2022 Keep an eye out for our various plant pots out in the neighbourhood, they’ve just got their winter refresh.
21.10.2022 Following our highlighting of unregistered properties, see correspondence between Taoiseach’s Office and RTB. This issue has also been raised with the Minister for Housing by all our local TDs.
05.10.2022 Read the minutes of the October RA meeting.
20.09.2022 Read about how RTB requirements are ignored around UCC in the Irish Examiner.
09.09.2022 Read the minutes of the first meeting after the summer break.
16.07.2022 A glorious summer’s day for the 2022 Magazine Road summer party.
12.06.2022 Read the minutes from the June RA meeting.
07.06.2022 There was a huge turnout of supporters for the Cork City Marathon and the resident’s association did a pop-up refreshment station, as in previous years. It was great fun despite the rain and the chill, and highly in demand, as the runners powered down Magazine Road. Check out some photos of Marathon 2022.
15.05.2022 Read the Minutes of the May RA meeting.
04.05.2022 If building work is being done in a house close to you, does it need planning permission? This useful guide from the OPR (The Office of the Planning Regulator) has further information.
11.04.2022 Glorious weather and a great attendance at the Spring clean on Saturday 10th April.
08.04.2022 Read the April minutes.
28.03.2022 Fruit tree planting with Glasheen Boys National School on Thursday 31st March at 11am.
28.03.2022 Your Residents Association at the Rebel Spirit Awards, delighted to be there and delighted to be nominated.
10.03.2022 Read the minutes of the latest resident’s association monthly meeting.
10.03.2022 The Resident’s Association is thrilled to be nominated for a Rebel Spirits award for the tree planting initiative along School Path in May of last year. Rebel Spirit awards name finalists to honour Leesiders who ‘did sound things’ throughout pandemic
24.02.2022 Half of rented properties near UCC ‘not registered with the Residential Tenancies Board’, Yay Cork
15.02.2022 After long and hard campaigning, the residents association and UCC are delighted to introduce a new role at the university, that of neighbourhood support officer. UCC creates role to help relations after local residents complain of noisy parties. Evening Echo.
15.02.2022 The cycle path along School Path has finally been completed, so walkers and cyclists have their own respective ways through the park. One of Cork CoCo’s brilliant bicycle maintenance stands has also been installed at the entrance to the park, which is a boon to locals who cycle.
11.02.2022 The monthly meetings of the Residents Association are back on track after Christmas. Read the minutes from the latest meeting.
29.09.2021 Read the Submission – Cork City Dvelopment Plan 2022-2028 put together by the residents of the area.
17.09.2021 Resident’s Association press release:
Press-Release-Antisocial-Behaviour-Sept-2127.05.2021 Read the latest press release relating to the PRTB.
04.05.2021 Read the responses to the Parliamentary Questions submitted by Colm Burke TD
26.01.2021 Read the statement sent to all political party leaders and to the relevant spokespersons
For more posts from 2021, see the Archive (2021) page.